Saturday 27 December 2014

Nikola Tesla: One of the strongest foundation pillar of scientific world

World was blessed with one of the greatest scientific person, Nikola Tesla was a Serb born in Austro-Hungarian Empire, now in the Republic of Croatia on 10th July 1856. He, did his initial studies in his native place and had later immigrated to United States of America.

Overall, all higher studies were completed. Nikola Tesla, was one of very successful engineer. Specifically, Electrical Engineer and Physicist. Nikola Tesla, had passed away on 7th Jan. 1943.

There are many images of Nikola Tesla, below, in edited form and some real, that i had collected from several Tesla dedicated sites. Showing, various important quotes of Nikola Tesla. All, edited one's created by fans of NIkola Tesla.


 The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires, 5th Mar. 1904.

Discoveries of Nikola Tesla, are meant to be known by all. It, is time to share information on Nikola Tesla's invention by all.

 Tesla turbine is a bladeless centripetal flow turbine patented by Nikola Tesla in 1913.

 A recreation of Tesla’s experiment to transmit electricity without wires.

 Tesla was the most brilliant scientist that Earth has probably ever had, and he was not afraid to say that he believed in spirituality - Royce Chrystin

Tesla’s shoes, hat and gloves. 

Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Charles Steinmetz as they appeared in 1921, in a visit to the transoceanic station, at New Brunswick.

Wedding of Mr. Hobson 1905. His(Nikola Tesla) navy friend Mr. Hobson was one of the rare person who managed to get Nikola out of the lab for a little bit of entertainment.

Wedding of Mr. Hobson 1905. His(Nikola Tesla) navy friend Mr. Hobson was one of the rare person who managed to get Nikola out of the lab for a little bit of entertainment.

History Channel's special report on Nikola Tesla's inventions.

He considered sitting for portraits unlucky, and only did it once, according to the New York Times. The artist was Princess Elisabeth Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy.

Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Charles Steinmetz as they appeared in 1921, in a visit to the transoceanic station, at New Brunswick.

 Momument of Nikola Tesla in University campus in Novi Sad, Serbia.

                                                                 Tesla Coil

Giant Mechanical Eye

If Astor had not died on the Titanic, it was certain that Wardenclyffe would not have been destroyed at that time.
Story of Nikola Tesla apart from being highly devoted to humans and really working with scientific experiments to invent things for them all, but at the same time was most tragic in the scientific world.

Recent times demonstration of Tesla Coil, which is now widely understood by most.

A, big thanks to Tesla Ambassadors, Nikola Tesla's World, Ed Strachar; Spirit Healer, and other Tesla dedicated groups for editing images in the most informative way possible.

Had, started this year with Nikola Tesla's blog post and today as, 2015 is about to end in 4 days. So, decided to share Nikola Tesla's images, that is Nikola Tesla's post. Didn't write much in this post as images themself explained things really well.

Vegetariansm, is one really important and everyone should practise it, atleast if not Veganism, later on one may start practising Veganism. Because, i have always believed that to practise Veganism, it is always a step ahead to Vegetarianism.

Nikola Tesla, was a complete vegetarian. As, shown in this image, where many great personalities are mentioned.

Whole Modern World Should Always be Thankful to Nikola Tesla. As, it is he who had invented most of things, that we are using today. All, mainly and only supplied A.C(Alternating Current) supply.