Saturday, May 25, 2019

Why when person yawns does another.

Next time you're sitting near someone who yawns, try this: Don't yawn. Odds are, you'll find that it's pretty difficult to hold back.
The reason that it's hard to stifle a yawn — especially when someone nearby is doing it and you're trying hard not to — appears to reside in the area of the brain that's responsible for motor function, a new study from England finds.
Scientists refer to the urge to yawn when you see someone else doing it as contagious yawning. This is a type of "echophenomenon." In other words, it's an automatic imitation of another person, according to the study, published online today (Aug. 31) in the journal Current Biology. Other types of echophenomena include "echolalia" (imitation of someone's words) and "echopraxia" (imitation of someone's actions. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Amazing Human brain!

The human brain is the command center for the
 human nervous system. It receives signals from
 the body's sensory organs and outputs information
 to the muscles. The human brain has the same
 basic structure as other mammal brainsbut is larger
 in relation to body size than any other brains.

What are the five main functions of the brain?
Your brain contains billions of nerve cells 
arranged in patterns that coordinate thought, 
emotion, behavior, movement and sensation. 
While all the parts of yourbrain work together, 
each part is responsible for a specific function 
controlling everything from your heart rate to 
your mood.

The above said the information was very small.
In actual study of the human brain is still not finished,
and research on the human brain is never ending for now.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Bone broth

Bone broth advocates say it can relieve joint pain 
and osteoarthritis, detoxify the liver, aid in wound 
healing, prevent aging skin, support digestive health, 
balance hormones, increase energy, strengthen bones
improve quality of sleep, alleviate symptoms from certain 
autoimmune conditions, and boost immune function.

And is bone broth really good for you?

Bone broth has gained a reputation as a 
nutritional powerhouse with claims that it relieves 
joint pain, enhances gut health, slows aging, 
and improves skin health. While broth has a 
long tradition of healing properties, there are few
 studies on bone broth (or broth or stews) itself.

Saffron, Kesar.

Ever knew from where Kesar is extracted from?

- The saffron flower is composed of 6 purple petals, 3 golden yellow stamens and one red pistil. It is this famous pistil made up of 3 stigmas (filaments) which when dried up gives the spice saffron.

Now, another question is how saffron is grown?

- When you plant your 
saffron crocus bulbs, place them in the ground at about 3 to 5 inches deep and at least 6 inches apart. About 50 to 60 saffron flowers will produce about 1 tablespoon of saffron spice, so keep this in mind when figuring how many to plant.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Sphincter, a must know term.

The sphincter is actually a muscle.
Called as sphincter muscle.
Image result for sphincter muscle
Image result for sphincter muscle

sphincter is a circular muscle that 
normally maintains constriction of a 
natural body passage or orifice and 
which relaxes as required by normal 
physiological functioning. Sphincters 
are found in many animals.

Human palm skin.

Human palm skin doesn't contain
melanin a skin pigment.
That's the reason for its fair colour.

[And to say a bit more elaborately,
These structures are made of 
keratin, a tough protein. Similar 
types of keratin also make up human 
hair, the scales and claws of reptiles, 
and the feathers, claws, and beaks of 
birds. The palm of the hand doesn't 
contain melanin (skin pigment) or 
hair follicles.]
- Google

Image result for palm skin

Monday, May 6, 2019

Satanic time

This time is of satanic or demonic trained people,
you see so much of mishappenings happening all around
is all because of demonic type people.

I have felt lately that demons do exist and the most
asurprising fact can be that they can even be in your
own family, maybe your dad, mom or can be their

So the thing I want to conclude to is always be attentive 
for such people.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Health benefits of Avocados.

This wonderful fruit; Avocado has immensely
powerful nutritional values.

We constantly nosh on avocado toasts and flaunt our trendy, avocado smoothies, but do we even know what an avocado is? Vegetable or fruit? Weight loss hero or just diethype? Admit it — you have no idea.
Well, avocado lovers, we’re here to put your questions to rest. Below, we’ve uncovered every avocado FAQ ever asked, including what they are, what dietitians really think about them, and whether they are truly the perfect food for your waistline.

What Are Avocados Exactly?

According to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Central American avocado tree originated in southern Mexico and Colombia around 7,000 years ago. By the 16th century, the Aztecs and Incas shared the avocado with Spanish conquistadors, who then named them aguacate. Later nicknamed “alligator pears” by English colonists for their green, scale-like skin and pear shape, avocados have assimilated into North American culture to such a degree that there are now 80 Californian varieties — Hass avocados being the most popular of their kind. (1)
But what is their kind? Have they considered a fruit or a vegetable?
You may be surprised to learn that avocados are actually a fruit! Indeed, according to the California Avocado website, the avocado is botanically considered a berry because of its fleshy pulp and large single seed, and because this fruit is the product of a tree. 

What’s in an Avocado? The Basic Nutrition Facts

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), these are the nutrition facts for about one-half, or 68 grams (g), of an avocado: (3)
  • Calories 114
  • Dietary fiber 6 g
  • Total sugar 0.2 g
  • Potassium 345 milligrams (mg)
  • Sodium 5.5 mg
  • Magnesium 19.5 mg
  • Vitamin A 43 micrograms (μg)
  • Vitamin E 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin K 14 μg
  • Vitamin B-6 0.2 mg
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids 6.7 g
Overall, avocados contain quite a bit of potassium, dietary fiber, and fats. Avocado oil alone is almost two-thirds (71 percent) monounsaturated fatty acids  — aka the “good fats” shown to lower LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol and increase HDL, or “good,” cholesterol, according to the Dairy Council of California. These important contents add to a number of health benefits.
The price of avocados fluctuates, but because of their "healthy-fat" status, avocados have become a popular food among people following the ketogenic diet, also called the keto diet for short. In fact, in February 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported that high-fat foods like avocados are rising, likely due to the increased popularity of high-fat diets such as keto and the Atkins diet. Other high-fat foods, including olives and olive oil, have also increased in price, the article notes. 
