Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's World Water Day!

World Water Day, 22nd March.

Contribute to save Water by any means. World Water Day, was first proposed in 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. So, this event is celebrated annually since 1993.
And, remember being vegetarian saves Water.

To realise the importance of Water is required in reality, though most people know of this, but they hardly put any efforts to save it.
Survival of all living beings is only possible with Water. So, to save it and to stop it from getting further polluted is all that is needed.
As, even being a Vegetarian, if not vegan for now, you contribute in saving water to great extent.
World Water Day; 22nd Mar. 2015

‪#‎WaterIs‬, ‪#‎WorldWaterDay‬, ‪#‎VegSavesWater‬, ‪#‎SaveWater‬, #‎HealthyEarth‬, ‪#‎WaterRich‬, ‪#‎Sustainable‬

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